White Paper Messaging applications: Security and Data Management

In a world where data has acquired the status of the black gold of the 21st century, data exchanges take place at a frenetic pace. Having a secure messaging solution becomes an indispensable shield against growing threats. However, companies and public authorities can run into difficulties when looking for a solution that is supposedly secure for their employees. 

In this white paper you will find :
-Consumer messaging applications: how much can you trust them?
-Application vulnerabilities and attack opportunities.
-Advantages and benefits of adopting secure professional messaging. 

Enjoy your reading! 

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Data protection and the importance of cooperation between CISO and CIO

Companies are still not aware of the threats and repercussions of cybercrime. The risks and needs related to the digital revolution are based primarily on the human factor. That's why the collaboration of CISOs and CIOs is a key element in data protection, as it will allow to inspire a robust dynamic of security without impacting business activity at the same time.

This white paper allows you to decrypt the new challenges to protect your data through the collaboration between CISOs and CIOs, step by step:

  • What are the strategic pillars in the sustainability and development of an entity?
  • How to develop a more optimal strategy?
  • How to choose a good data security solution?
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Data protection, in the face of the deployment of 5G: Between opportunities and risks?

This new mobile revolution will make the world even more interconnected than today thanks to data transmission up to 1,000 times faster than 4G and will interconnect millions of devices per square kilometer. Already, the question of cybersecurity arises in this new model that multiplies the number of entry points for hackers in the face of a denser exposure area. States, companies and individuals are thus threatened and must adapt as quickly as possible.

This e-book allows you to decipher the new challenges to protect your data against the deployment of 5G, step by step:

  • ☑ What is 5G?
  • ☑ What does 5G bring?
  • ☑ Is it risk-free?
  • ☑ How to prepare for it?
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Mobile Communications and Data: Threats and Solutions - Insights

With more collaborative ways of working, multiple devices (PCs, smartphones, tablets, etc.) and smart objects (IoT), today’s business environment is complex, and makes it even more difficult to enforce security policies.

Cyber criminals understand this very well, and are now moving away from servers and computers to target mobile devices and the IoT. In its 2017 report, computer manufacturer HP (1) indicates that 64.9% of organizations see an increase in threats against their mobile devices.

CISOs substantiate this figure, with 63% saying the growth of mobility comes with higher security risks than expected….

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Audit Teams Next Generation Collaboration: Data Segregation and Forensic Chain of Custody

Throughout the corporate world, auditors, and especially internal auditors, play a key role in making sure that the whole company both respects rules and is efficient in its day to day operations. In order to perform these tasks, the auditor is required to:

  • Gather and analyze evidence, produce reports
  • Share these highly confidential documents with executives, other internal teams, and people external to their organization such as regulators
  • Meet urgent time constraints

Having a simple and highly efficient collaboration platform that can enable audit teams to share both internally and externally is therefore key to productivity…

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GDPR: Executing data privacy, confidentiality and traceability

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which comes into force in May 2018 has been the topic of many debates over the last year (and is now a source of various concerns) as companies have quickly realized that it could have a major impact on their business processes and solutions in place, as well as a significant business risk if they are not compliant (the much-quoted 4% of worldwide turnover or 20 M€, whichever is the greatest). Had their customers been European citizens, the recent Equifax data breach would have directly impacted their P&L by tens of millions of US Dollars…

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